

I occasionally do broadcast or print interviews. My emphasis today is on questions concerning sustainability through time and human lifeways including hunter-gatherer subsistence, the apparent unsustainability of delayed-return systems (such as agriculture), and the importance of conservation regardless of your vision of the future. To arrange a print or broadcast interview feel free to email me.

10/27/15 - Nature Bats Last - I was interviewed by Mike Sliwa and Guy McPherson on their Nature Bats Last radio show/podcast on We focused on the distinction between "immediate-return" and "delayed-return" hunter-gatherer societies and how it relates to logical concerns about the "indigenous land management" often assumed to be part of a sustainable lifeway. A new article on this topic is in the works.

12/30/11 - Film Appearance: Brief appearances in the documentary Mother: Caring for 7 Billion.

8/4/10 - Radio Active Lunch - Adam Roufberg interviewed me for his Radio Active Lunch which broadcasts and streams live from Vassar College - WVKR  91.3 FM. We discussed several of the topics of my article, Agriculture: ending the world as we know it, including the unsustainability of agriculture and civilization, the erroneous notion that we've increased human carrying capacity, and the "rewilding" vision of the future.

5/23/09 - UCLA Radio - Carey Shenkman of spoke with me in February about population issues, GPSO, and more in a wide ranging interview. The artistically arranged segment is now available on the station's website. Here's the audio.

5/15/09 - - This is a long, two part print interview (conducted via email) on the EcoHearth site. It was edited to emphasize the overpopulation issue. Here are Part 1 and Part 2.

4/10/09, 10pm MST - WBZ News Radio, Boston - Tune in for a live, one hour interview on the Jordan Rich Show on WBZ News Radio 1030 in Boston. This show reaches 38 states and parts of Canada. Topics will likely include GPSO, the link between overpopulation and the global environmental crisis, and the problem of civilization.

3/1/09 - Mansfield News Journal - Steve Goble of Ohio’s Mansfield News Journal interviewed me via email for this article which covers a number of the essentials of the population-environment challenge.

2/26/09 - KGNU Radio, Boulder - I was interviewed along with GPSO endorser, marine scientist Emmett Duffy, by Joel Edelstein on Boulder, Colorado’s KGNU radio. The show included a recorded segment from GPSO endorser, anthropologist Jeffrey McKee. This was a one hour interview taking callers and covering a range of population issues and GPSO.

2/25/09 -  KSFR, Santa Fe Public Radio - Appeared live on The Journey Home, hosted by Diego Mulligan on KSFR, Santa Fe Public Radio. Topics included the causes of the population taboo, the astounding growth of the human population over history, the population-environment link, and the need to step back and look at the big picture if we are to avert a profound environmental and therefore human crisis. Click here for the audio.

2/24/09 - Jefferson Public Radio - Host Keith Henty interviewed me for the hour on the Jefferson Exchange show, a public radio program broadcast to Northern Californian and Southern Oregon. Topics included GPSO, the origins of the population taboo, the population-environment link, and arguments — pro and con — concerning various population solutions. There was even some discussion and debate concening urban growth issues, the subject which first led me into environmentalism.

2/20/09 - TalkStar Radio - Appeared on the TalkStar Radio Network’s “For the People” show hosted by Chuck Harder. The discussion ranged from GPSO to one of the difficult but fundamental issues underlying human overpopulation — the question of the population-food supply link.

2/17/09 - Issues Today with Bob Gourley - I was interviewed for a segment of Issues Today with Bob Gourley. After some introductory information, the primary topic was the Sixth Mass Extinction of species currently in evidence worldwide and closely linked to human population growth. On this topic a brief debate ensued. The audio is here.

2/17/09 - WGVU-FM (NPR), Grand Rapids, Michigan - Shelley Irwin interviewed me for the WGVU Morning Show. The focus was on the population-environment link and GPSO’s role in breaking the taboo against public discussion of overpopulation.

2/12/09 - Blog Talk Radio - Bill Sharon interviewed me, discussing GPSO, overpopulation, and a full range of  related environmental issues.

2/3/09 - KRFC Radio, Fort Collins, Colorado - In this brief interview Emmett Duffy, Professor of Marine Science at the College of William and Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and I discuss GPSO and population issues for news segments aired on the station. Here’s the audio: Emmett Duffy / John Feeney

2/2/09, 10am CST - Wisconsin Public Radio - Listen live to an interview about the Global Population Speak Out (GPSO) with myself and Ohio State University anthropologist Jeffrey McKee on Conversations with Kathleen Dunn.

4/08 - 5/08 - Free Range ThoughtRadio series on Free Range Thought, with hosts Adam Roufberg and Robert Johnstreet, WKNY Radio (1490 AM), Kingston NY. This multi-part series on population and the global ecological crisis is a rare event and I'm happy to have appeared as a guest and then co-host/co-director of the series. Guests have included Bill Ryerson of the Population Media Center, David Paxson of World Population Balance, ecological scientist David Pimentel of Cornell University, anthropologist Jeffrey McKee of Ohio State University, and Urban Scout who promotes human "rewilding." Click the link above for full descriptions and audio.

3/14/08 - Estes Park Trail-Gazette - Print interview: Humans on earth (scroll down), Estes Park Trail-Gazette. This preceded two talks I gave in Estes Park, Colorado.

12/9/07 - Free Range Thought - Appearance on Free Range Thought, WKNY Radio (1490 AM), Kingston NY, with hosts Adam Roufberg and Robert Johnstreet. (I come on about a third of the way through the first segment.)