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Global Population Speak Out (GPSO)

(Go straight to the GPSO website)

I write to raise awareness of certain fundamental but underreported and generally misunderstood ecological issues, particularly the problem of the size and growth of the human population. Sometimes something other than writing may hold more potential in that regard.

Not long ago I came up with an idea for a small project aimed at bringing new or returning voices to the public discussion of population issues. That project is now a reality. It's called the Global Population Speak Out (GPSO) and is documented on its own website.

It's an effort to weaken the taboo against speaking out on population. It came from a simple idea: What would happen if a lot of new, qualified voices were to speak out on population all at once? Wouldn't that go a long way toward breaking down the taboo?

GPSO hinges on a letter (actually an email) we will send to a large number of scientists, environmental writers, executives of environmental NGOs, and other prominent people. Only a few are widely known for public statements on the population issue. We invite them to speak out on it during February in any way they choose.  A key is that they can be sure they will have plenty of good company in speaking out; for only if we get at least 50 pledges to speak out will we ask participants to honor their pledges.

Note that you too can participate!

Our hope is that by concentrating these messages about population into one month and seeing to it that most come from voices not already widely associated with the issue, we'll grow the number of people who speak publicly on the topic, raise the prominence of the issue, and make it a little easier for others to speak out in the future.

I'm pleased to report that some highly respected scientists, writers, environmental activists, and others have lent their names to the project as signers of the GPSO letter. Their willingness to sign on speaks to the urgency of the population issue and gives the project a real chance to succeed.

Let's see how this thing goes!

Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2008 by Registered CommenterJohn Feeney in | Comments Off

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